Monday, January 27, 2014

News from the Tundra

OK, Tundra may be a bit extreme in description, but after this week, it's pretty damned close.
On the plus side, though... this place is a definite motivator for buying a reliable, sturdy, shiny, big knobby tired 4x4 truck, jeep, SUV, or some such snow drift busting vehicle.

Since everything is fairly close, conserving fuel isn't as big an issue as other larger cities.

That probably pissed some enviros off, but it's a cold (get it?) hard truth up here.
Saving on your mpg rating means about dick if you get your Prius stuck in a 12' snow bank that drifted across your semi-rural street and die of hypothermia before anyone realizes you didn't make it back from the store.

So, yeah... I am going to become one of 'Those' Americans, I guess. Even thinking about some nice cowboy boots...
and a stetson...
Half the state wears them. Might as well blend in with the natives.

In fact, I may be one of the only people here with any sort of a southernish accent. I think that makes me more qualified to go cowboy than these Saxons, right? Maybe not.

There are some good restaurants here, too. I guess making food is a major activity in a place that affords little outdoor fun (aside from sledding, hunting, ice fishing, making igloos, and polar bear races). A lot of German stuff on menus, too. Haven't tried any yet, as I like to make my own Deutscher dishes. But soon. The German diners make a wicked cheeseburger, though.
Trying very hard not to let it all kill my diet. I made solid progress, hate to back track now. I am only 3 lbs short of my first serious goal of dropping 47 lbs. After that, the hardcore workouts begin to build back lost muscle while trying to trim another 10 lbs.

But the Germans make such good fuckin' Cheeseburgers!  Dammit!

Also been steadily job searching. Some good career prospects. Hard to choose which one to go with, but leaning towards a smaller company that will afford greater advancement mobility and salary at slightly more risk. Spent way too much on clothing to impress these people, too. Only to find out it's a dressier JEANS kinda job environment.

I'm not sure what sort of pose this was. Perhaps attempt at cool, with a hint of awkward, and a twist of dork? *shrug*  Anywho, hey Look! That's my way over priced shirt and tie! Aren't you impressed?! I should be.     o.O

Oh well. I have a nice $100 dress shirt and $100 slacks and $80 shoes and $40 tie to go out to eat cheeseburgers in.   ;-)   Hawt.

Ok, that's enough info to bore the piss out of you for awhile.
Here are a few pics to share. And a Video!

Lovely winter view of the Missouri River valley, which creates Bismarck's western border.

And a pristine, beautiful day, in sunny North Dakota.

And for the weather enthusiasts, a brief video of this splendid, summery weather (yes, you should be choking on sarcasm right about now).

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