Sunday, May 24, 2020

*Originally posted on a conservative forum I belonged to in August 2019:

Nine months ago, I officially gave Twitter, Jack, and the rest of the leftist nutbags the finger and abandoned Twitter. Account is deactivated. App’s gone from my phone. Link is deleted from my PC browser.
It’s just become too stupid and vicious. And, sadly, I was getting caught up in the (as Glenn Beck put it) “Outrage” addiction.
I turned 50 on that day. People still tell me I look like I’m mid-30s. But I’m 50. That means I have had the opportunity to observe close to 4.5 decades of societal change in this country, on this planet. I have watched as our schools eroded. I have witnessed the weirdo, drug addicted, zero morals leftists from the late 60s/early 70s slowly worm their way into our educational system and political machine, and change things from within - for the worse. I have seen tyrants and crooks lose power only to be replaced by others who took up the corruption mantle and became despots themselves. I have watched technology blossom and then get stuck for twenty years in a reboot/upgrade/expansion cycle (we should be living on the Moon by now). And I have watched, over the past 25 years, as the democrats used "hope and change" mantras to deceive the general populace, while they insidiously worked their socialist agenda into our daily lives, beginning at the most rudimentary level with the most basic social programs and policies, from welfare expansion, to mandatory seat belts, to social services kidnapping children, to widespread indoctrination in our schools, universities, and media & literary venues. Now, they are crafting legislation to destroy our 2nd Amendment, greatly restrict or abolish portions of the 1st Amendment, openly ignore the 4th Amendment, and discussing the real likelihood of enacting the 25th Amendment. We have democrats who ran a campaign on an openly socialist platform and WON. We have ignorant, mentally deranged, fascist thugs roaming portions of the larger leftist metropolises, starting brawls, riots, destroying property, sending people to the hospital, stealing, committing arson… all while the local police either stand back and watch or show up in riot gear but do very little to halt these lunatics from breaking the law. And uneducated buffoons like Bloomberg and Pelosi want you to call those same police forces to come save you in an active shooter situation, rather than you being armed yourself and saving your own life or that of your family’s.
I have seen a lot of change in the world over the past 50 years. Most of it was not for the better. Perhaps more interesting. More distractions and social opiates (like smartphones, tablets, 1200 cable channels and lifelike sim video games). But in general, we have lost our way. Facts are apparently no longer truth (just ask Biden). Virtue is scoffed at. Morals have become subjective. Honor isn’t even understood anymore. Honesty is relative. Ethics, principles, integrity are meaningless when compared to convenience, instant gratification, and reality shows.
God has become a relic of a long forgotten era, or so thinks most youth and many adults these days. Instead of the creator of the universe, he is seen as a fairy spirit in the sky that has no more validity than a unicorn or a smurf.
While I may struggle with my belief, hence my agnosticism, I understand the need for a divinity in our society. Without the thought of an all-father watching over us, and someday passing judgment on us, it seems most people simply run amok. It’s like the parents are gone for the weekend, so they break in to the liquor cabinet and re-enact Animal House. Whether God exists or not, we need God to be in our world, in our heads and hearts, in our actions and intentions, in our nation and our homes. He is sorely lacking in all these places today, and we are seeing the damage it is causing.
In 50 years, I have gone from thinking the world was somewhat manageable and ok to utterly chaotic and in a tailspin. My last perception, I think, is the most accurate.
As a student of history, I have read about the internal strife and collapse of many civilizations and countries. What I see today sends chills up my spine, because what I see, read, and hear from our own nation and world is echoing what I have read in many of my historical texts. Nazi Germany, Communist China, Rogue North Korea, and Stalin's Soviet Union used the same tactics and rhetoric as today's leftists (democrat, socialist, progressive, liberal sheep) employ.
If we do not retake our country from those who would see it undone, then I fear within a generation - two at the most - we will no longer have an America.
So, I will sit here at my desk, sipping my coffee, thinking of my family and the possible battles ahead. If they come, I hope they come when I am still young enough to hump it through a field with a rifle and a pack, and spare most of my children the need to endure what our direct ancestors had to endure on the east coast, 244 years ago.
My father is a marine. One thing he taught me was always be prepared, hope for the best, and expect the worst.
No matter how crazy this might sound - America is tearing itself apart and headed for a 2nd civil war (or perhaps Revolution). It’s happened before, virtually everywhere else. It can most certainly happen again. How ready are we? Who will actually stand up? How many folks on the wrong side of the line (yes, I am talking about you, Leftists) will realize it, before it's too late, and rejoin their fellow Americans to save their homeland from its decadent, out of control spiral to ruin?

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